ماذا بعد التقديم ؟بعد
تقديمك الأوراق المطلوبة للتقييم + إجتيازك إمتحان اللغة سيرسل لك الAPC
الفورم المطلوبة للتسجيل في إمتحان الKAPS .. ستقوم بتعبئة الفورم ودفع
الرسوم وإعادة إرسالها بالبريد السريع للAPC
المصاريفhttp://pharmacycouncil.org.au/content/index.php?id=15أماكن الإمتحانhttp://pharmacycouncil.org.au/content/index.php?id=39متى يعقد الإمتحان ؟مارس وسبتمبر من كل عام
شكل الإمتحان:- اسئلة الامتحان على شكل اختيار من متعدد mcq
- الKAPS إمتحانين في نفس اليوم .. كل إمتحان ساعتين يحتوي 100 سؤال mcq
- الحل يكون عن طريق الكمبيوتر بمعنى آخر الإمتحان ليس ورقياً
- النجاح من 50% لكل إمتحان .. في حالة عدم النجاح - لاقدر الله - في أحد الإمتحانين ، تكون الإعادة في هذا الإمتحان فقط
فروع الامتحانالامتحان الاول أو Paper 1Pharmaceutical ChemistryOrganic Chemistry: nomenclature, drug class recognition, reaction types, functional group reactivity, drug stability, acid base reactions.
Stereochemistry: nomenclature, optical activity, geometric isomerism, conformation.
Physical Chemistry: kinetics, acid base reactions, phase equilibria.
Analytical Chemistry: spectroscopy, redox reactions, assay techniques, diagnostic agents.
Biochemistry: nomenclature, structures, biochemical classes, thermodynamics, biochemical pathways.
Medicinal chemistry: structure
activity relationships, drug presentation and delivery, drug
formulation and stability, drug metabolism, mechanism of drug action,
modern drug development, and absorption, distribution and elimination of
Pharmacology and PhysiologyPharmacology: principles
of drug action, drug interactions, receptor pharmacology, autonomic
transmission, endocrine pharmacology, cardiovascular pharmacology,
anti-inflammatory agents and analgesics, antibiotics, diuretics, local
and general anaesthetics, vitamins, drugs affecting nutritional and
metabolic function, drugs affecting the central nervous system.
Chemotherapy: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal, anthelmintic and anticancer drugs.
Toxicology: common side effects, signs of toxicity and mechanism of toxicity.
Pathophysiology: alteration of physiological processes by drugs or disease states.
General Physiology: central
nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory,
urinary, endocrine and reproductive systems and their integration; blood
and other body fluids.
الامتحان الثاني أو Paper 2PharmaceuticsPhysical pharmacy: solvents, types of preparation, solutions, suspensions, emulsions.
Biopharmaceutics: dissolution, drug absorption, bioavailability and bioequivalence, drug interactions with a biopharmaceutical basis.
Pharmacokinetics: biological
half-life, elimination rate constants, apparent volume of distribution,
clearance, steady state considerations, drug protein binding, drug
metabolism, drug interactions, pharmacogenetics, relevant calculations.
Pharmaceutical microbiology: preservation, antimicrobial agents, sterilisation technology.
Formulation: formulation
of drugs for various routes of administration, parenteral dose forms,
controlled release preparations, evaluation of particular dose forms.
TherapeuticsCalculations: dilutions,
percentages, densities, sensitivity of balance, proportions,
isotonicity, milliequivalents/milliosmoles, buffers, dose calculations
from body weight or surface area, stability.
Posology: appropriate dosages and dosage regimens of common medications.
Prescriptions: adverse
reactions, common contra-indications and indications, drug
interactions, patient counselling and advice. Surgical dressings,
appliances and drug delivery systems.
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications: non-prescription prescribing, diagnosis of minor illness, rational OTC product selection, OTC drug information.
Clinical pharmacy and therapeutics: problem solving, drug management of disease states, clinical relevance of biochemical parameters.